Saturday, March 5, 2011

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

Summary: Because of Winn-Dixie is about 10 year old India Opal Buloni who reluctantly moves to Naomi Florida with her father who is a preacher. She isn’t thrilled about living in the small town or having to make new friends and she especially misses her mother. Her mother ran off when India Opal was just a little girl, but questions remain in her mind and she seeks genuine companionship. One day, when grocery shopping, she stumbles upon a dog who has caused quite the uproar in the store. Without thinking, she claims the dog is hers to save him from going to the pound. This event leads to a summer filled with good things caused because of her mangy orphan dog that she’ll never forget.

Implementation: This is a good book to use with small reading groups. A literature circle once a week would maintain interest and spark discussion about some of the issues that come up in this book including: death, bullying, loneliness, and friendship.

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