Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pretty Salma: A Little Red Riding Hood Story from Africa, Written by Niki Daly

Summary: Salma is a little girl who lives with her grandparents in a village in Africa. Her grandmother asks her to go to the market and sends her on her way with money wearing a blue scarf, ntama, white beads and yellow sandals. She filled her basket with all sorts of goods and continued on her way. While walking back, she came across Mr. Dog who began to ask her questions as well as offer his assistance carrying the basket and wearing her clothes. All along, he is tricking her! Once he becomes disguised as Pretty Salma, she realizes what he has done and asked for her things back but he threatens to bite her in two. She runs away to find her grandfather because she knows where the wolf is headed. She and her grandfather disguise themselves in the storytelling masks he uses and follow the wolf to their home, scare them and save granny.

Implementation: Obviously this would be used as a variation of the traditional story in an alternative setting and plot. The text is in different places all over the page, which would be good practice for students. This formatting would also offer something they can attempt in their own writing.

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