Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shoeshine Girl, Written by Clyde Robert Bulla

Summary: Sarah Ida has been sent to live with her Aunt Claudia in Palmville as a result of her parents’ lack of ability to handle her; her father’s job keeps him away from home and her mother is sick. Sarah is reluctant to let herself enjoy her stay, especially when she finds out Aunt Claudia won’t pay her allowance. She becomes determined to find a job. While walking on Grande Avenue, she discovers a shoeshine stand with a sign reading: “Help Wanted.” After much convincing and quite the negotiation, the owner of the store, Al, and her Aunt Claudia allow Sarah to join him. Over the course of the summer, she and Al develop a great friendship. She becomes successful and has quite the experience until one day she gets called home early. Her parents are requesting she return home. The lessons she learned that summer will guide her decision of whether she’ll stay in Palmville or go back home.

Implementation: Sarah Ida learns the value of money and working hard to earn it, along with the value of family and friendship. This book would help students to grasp these concepts. Shoeshine Girl teaches a strong lesson that to get what you want, you must to go out and work hard for it. The lesson taught in this book aligns with everyday life in that students must aspire to become great things but work hard in school to accomplish such.